Thursday, February 21, 2013

Green Griffins!

At my old highschool, cheerdancing competitions were a big thing. Our cheerdancing competitions were quite different from the ones we usually see on television. We had a parade where you have the pep squad (the life of the team), the cheerdancers, the banner people, the flag people, the props people and of course leading the whole team is the team captain. So you have 300 people following 1 team captain. Since we were a very small school we were divided into 4 teams: Red, Blue, Gold and Green. So the moment you start school in the First Grade you are placed in a team until the day you graduate. The graduating batch is usually the one in charge of the parade- from the cheers, the dances, the witty moves of the pep squad, the costumes, the props. My sister, who was now part of the graduating batch, wanted me to help out so of course, I said yes! This was another shot of trying to beat the other teams. (yes I was that student always the eager beaver when it came to putting on a show.) They made me in charge of costumes so without a doubt I was going to do everything in my power to make these kick ass costumes. 

 My sister who always wanted to be the center of attention wanted to be a muse this year. There were 3: goddess of war, goddess of peace and the witch who summons both goddesses. Of course my sister wanted to be goddess of peace (haha!!) 

I truly had so much fun putting these costumes together which made me miss high school all over again!

From left to right: Goddess of War, Witch Doctor and Goddess of Peace 
My sister! 
Co captain and Team Captain 
Highschool students

So yes, its been 5 years since I graduated high school but I fell in love with my team all over again. Once a griffin, always a griffin ;) 

A BIG BIG THANK YOU to Patrice Cabauatan for the wonderful photos! 

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